Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This looks like a fun place

What a bright, cheery place to raise a young family...this picture makes me feel happy.

Dope Blog

In Athens above.

I can just hear the match strike the wall.

Stumbled on the blog, WoosterCollective. I thought it had a very interesting very unique.   

Monday, May 19, 2008

Funky sofa

Image from Roche-Bobois.  

The Missoni fabric is perfect against the flat black floors and the white wall full of windows. One day, I'll have shelves full of stuff like that too. I'd probably need a more toned down sofa for more formal settings, but I would love this for lounging with friends and family. I know Buddy will think that it's his new doggy bed though, which is a shame because the fabric is so pretty and I've seen what he's done to some of my other cushions. Sigh. 

Anyway, here's a different fabric below, but I prefer the Missoni fabric. 

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Stardust HD Endless - my latest obsession

This guy is really good. He's supposedly ranked 16th in the world, and his high score on the screen shows at nearly 45 million! It's a long video, but the last few minutes are worth watching. My favorite game...I'm itching to play now.

Wii Fit...I kinda want one

A Japanese Wii Fit commercial

The Wii Fit looks like a lot of fun. I might have to reconsider getting a Wii one day after seeing some of the things you can do with the Wii Fit. It reminds me of Nintendo Track and Field and DDR, but better. I especially want to try dance, yoga,tightrope, jogging and the hula hoop. 

Wii Fit Jogging

Another commercial. This guy cracks me up. Haha.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My favorite cookbook

This lady is supposed to be the Japanese Martha Stewart. I picked this up at the local Japanese market about a year ago and I don't regret it one bit. The pictures are appealing to the eyes and the recipes are easy to follow. It's been a great way to learn different techniques to make a variety of appetizing Japanese dishes. 

It always sucks when I'm looking forward to making something and realize that I'm missing some of the ingredients in the recipe. With this book though, I didn't have to go out and buy a million different things that I would only end up using once and then have to throw away. Mirin, a sweet viscousy liquid, and corn starch were all I really needed, and I use them all the time!

Happy Hump Day

I was checking out the There Will Be Bacon blog when I somehow ended up on another blog of a similar sounding name, bac-log!. I noticed this video of the humping dog and had to repost it. I know the blogger for bac-log! had said that he had wanted one as a gift...I think C got mine at Fry's, if anyone is thinking about getting him one! Mine is broken though and no longer humps. I think I left him humping for too long. So sad. Anyway, here he is about to jump into our pond.    

And to prove that "The Humping Dog" was modeled after himself, Buddy assumes the standard humpin' position to demonstrate his technique.

The Best Idea Ever

So apparently, there's this awesome road rally, BABE, where you get the worst looking vehicle you can find for $250 or less, then compete for points in various challenges along the 4 day 1,500 mile journey from New York to New Orleans. And the uglier the car, the better!  

My brother's AWESOME friends are competing in this road rally and I am totally rooting them on! I love that they are doing hilarious! Go Team There Will Be Bacon!  

Oh, and fortunately for pussies like me who aren't bold enough to compete, Team Bacon will be blogging throughout their entire trek. Lucky me!

[Before awesome paint job]  The car they purchased for a mere dollar! And I thought a cheeseburger off the dollar menu at McDonald's was a good deal.

[After said awesome paint job] How can anyone beat a bacon racing stripe, chandelier, and an awesome stencil job like that??

More Beautiful Bento

All images from My Culinary Journal.  

The last photo isn't a bento but it was such a cute meal the blogger made for her lil' youngster. How happy would you be if your plate looked so pretty and had little smiley faces everywhere with giraffe and doggy forks too? So creative.  ^.^

Beautiful Bento

Growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, I dreamed of being white; for it was rather lonely being the only "oriental" kid in my block. And until I moved to a more diverse district, I was frequently the only non-white kid in the classroom -- admittedly, that was hard. I tried to fight and break free from the typical Asian stereotype, but that's what made it so unbearable sometimes, because I was the stereotype personified! Shy, quiet, studious...the eighties were rough yo! 

I was so embarrassed when my mom packed me a bento box full of homemade Korean food to eat for lunch at school. Everyone else would either buy lunch or have a brown bag with them, so that's what I wanted too. What a fool I was. If I could go back now, I would choose the bento box over the brown bag sandwich lunch any day.  ^.^

My Culinary Journal has some amazing photos of various bentos. I am making all of these for my future kids one day...and they better like it! Anyway, My Culinary Journal, is my new favorite cooking blog. I highly recommend!  

Images from My Culinary Journal. 

Friday, May 16, 2008

A safe cubbyhole

I spent hours building forts with our couch cushions when I was a kid and later progressed to rearranging my bedroom furniture in endless variations. I still remember the different set-ups I had made, one time opening one set of closets and moving my bed inside to create a cozy, canopied effect by the windows. My brother, on the other hand, had the same furniture arrangement for almost his entire adolescence!  I must have been really bored.  

Anyway, here are some pics that reminded me of so many good memories back in Michigan. My wonderful friend, melkimx, introduced me to the very cool website, apartmenttherapy, which is where I found these pics. Blogging and reading my friends' blogs has been so rewarding as it is a great way to learn about said friends' interests on a deeper level and to share personal thoughts.

There is something about a loft that pulls at my heart strings though. I had one freshmen year in college, but that was not the most pleasant experience, since I was prone to falling out of it. I do yearn for a ladder...leading up to a bookcase or to my bed!  I'm drooling just looking at it.

And how cute is this below?  It might be a tad claustrophobic, but I like the concept.

Not a huge fan of the two openings, because it confuses me, but it's another variation of the snug, hidden bedroom.  

All images from ApartmentTherapy.

Playing Dress-Up

Sometime during my senior year of high school, I began experimenting with makeup. It all happened on accident and apparently caught many of my friends by surprise as I was always a bit of a tomboy.   

I would rummage through my mother's makeup, most of which came with the Clinique gift with purchase.  She hardly ever wore anything besides her Estee Lauder face cream, so I was free to play around with the basic black mascara, Honey Gloss lipstick, and Honey blush that came with the gift.  

Ironically, my first foray into makeup took place after playing an obscure role as a nun in the choir for our high school rendition of "The Sound of Music." Oodles of fun.

Below are some of my first makeup purchases:  

Kiehl's Lip Gloss in Golden Berry

Kiehl's Lip Balm #1

Stila Lip Color in Jane

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Random Thought

I just realized that the reason why I love looking at pictures of architecture and interior design is because I get to imagine what it would be like to live there or be there. I never thought about it like that. I don't know seems obvious now.

My number one all-time favorite movie is "
Rear Window." It makes sense...


my new favorite 

My strange fascination

Since I was a kid, I always had this weird fascination with ice sculpting and glass blowing. Pretty, clear little things with glass bubbles, smooth crystals and even drawings of ice cubes always captivated my attention...the way it catches the light and makes your eye delve deeper beyond the surface. I love how glassware is created by making it fluid, how it glows bright orange and wraps itself into a tight ball around the poker, and moves with each breath of the glassblower. 

At home when I was growing up, I would take our regular dinner knife (it was dull, don't worry), an ice cube from the fridge and chip away at it to see what it would feel like to be an ice sculptor. It always looked so satisfying to do when I watched ice sculptors on TV take their giant chisels and work away at their enormous blocks of ice. Sadly, it never felt that way when I did it at home and it was always more painful and frustrating than satisfying, as my fingers would numb up and the ice cube would melt or slip away.

By the way, these pics are of the Cool Jewels Ice Tray from Urban Outfitters. It's $8.00 more than I am willing to spend unfortunately as I am poor. That's OK though.  I just like looking at the pictures.  

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shu Uemura

Tri color eye pencil - energy flow

W Hotel - Seoul

W Seoul Walkerhill

This is nothing new, but it brings back some really fond memories of my life in Korea. Asia really is beautiful, isn't it? Everywhere you turn, there's always something novel and old to catch your interest.   

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our secret honeymoon destination

Sophia Coppola's gorgeous sitting room

Sophia Coppola is a genius. She is so gifted and inspiring. I still haven't seen her last movie yet, but it's definitely on my to-do list.   

dºlight Huggable

Diana Lin Design

These are so cute~! I was wondering if they feel anything like the Teddy Rumpskin doll I used to have growing up, soft on the outside, hard on the inside, but they say it feels more like a "small, sleeping animal."  ^--^  

And, even better! It's functional. It's supposed to help people with seasonal affective disorder and depression. I like~!  

tanya aguiñiga

neat site...o.O

Images from tanya aguiñiga's website