Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Hump Day

I was checking out the There Will Be Bacon blog when I somehow ended up on another blog of a similar sounding name, bac-log!. I noticed this video of the humping dog and had to repost it. I know the blogger for bac-log! had said that he had wanted one as a gift...I think C got mine at Fry's, if anyone is thinking about getting him one! Mine is broken though and no longer humps. I think I left him humping for too long. So sad. Anyway, here he is about to jump into our pond.    

And to prove that "The Humping Dog" was modeled after himself, Buddy assumes the standard humpin' position to demonstrate his technique.


melody said...

that is so cute, and so is buddy! my flash drive is so lame in comparison :(

oneplanet said...

hehe. thanks~...i never even got to use it once for it's intended purpose. i broke it before i got to...i guess i can still use it, but what fun is that when it doesn't hump anymore~! =b